Sunday, April 16, 2006

Eklektro Rio de Janeiro : last Brazil episode!

Just in time for Easter Sunday, here's our final Eklektro Brasileiro episode, highlighting our new favorite city, Rio de Janeiro... and shot from the dazzling perspective of "Rio in a day"! Yes, after 7 exciting weeks, thousands of miles traveled and several blogged episodes; I'm back in Los Angeles now, and with a solar-powered summer on the way. So stay tuned as we trend back into our alternative energy and collaborative music pursuits, while preparing for our next phase of road adventures!
Special thanks to Eduardo from iCafe Ipanema, where Apple computers and iSight cameras will soon be the topic of a Rio retrospective clip (posting soon); and last-minute LA thanks to Brian from, for eleventh hour editing inspirations, and original intro soundtrack... (all done between his VJ gigs with Thomas Dolby this past weekend). More soundtrack credits: "Screamplay" by Eklektro, and Christo Rendentor soundtrack performed by Johnny Cash, "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode.


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