Thursday, May 05, 2005

5/5/05: My camera has been dead a month (in the shop), but Eklektro-theory is staying alive; and more than merely alive (since fresh-back from Thailand), its exploding (!) under control (!) and mainly 'cause so many friends are on the verge of becoming full-time tech-nomads. So is the time finally right to start "the band"??!! Time to fire up the next round of Eklektro Karavan??!!
Well, for me lately, this nomadic drift back to temporary home base (on the edge of the desert / sunny spring day) affords especial clarity of definition (the often-lacking compliment to mere vision)… spreading out and looking back at El Eklektro blogger entry from May 1st in Mexico last year… even then thinking we were on the edge of it... but so much unexpected side-trips and refinement since then... like back-pack studio traveling and writing in Thailand... intense! And what's next? even just maintaining our vehicles (and repairing broken cameras) is one hell of a prospect, and we’ve sure been kicking it… both on and off wheels, and perhaps with Amsterdam ahead, Thai-return to secret island (solar studio experiment) after So-Cal kick-off of the “band” in the fall… a calendar? Stay tuned for big postings and filling in the blanks.. later today… semi-automatic web weaponry dispensed between hedz and musician friends: blogging: back to it.


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