Thursday, June 26, 2003

PS: let me know (or please remind me) if you want me to send (or re-send) you an invite to join this blog... to be able to post to it... or i can move its hosting to LiveJournal format so its totally open-ended/free-form, or under a different topic than eklektro... you name it... open to suggestion. thanx! G
YO my faithful, and greetings and thanks for reading, and what a busy last 10 days, from Gathering of the Tribes, to 10-year anniversary Moontribe... the latter 3 days so perfectly getting back to the core of WHY we gather, WHAT we are driven to create, and with WHOM we choose to recreate... and to bring it beyond.... further... and into further focus... and into the environs of Summer Solstice, Southern California, a well-needed several hundred mile karavan stretch.... and then back to LA... and a few choice days of solar compositional time willfully marooned in Malibu... the lifting of June Gloom, ready to launch this weekend with Cyber EZ Ryders........
......... and then last night The Camel and i get hit by a drunk driver.

pretty cool having the life flash in front of you, and I got air, and some sideways whiplash, as did ALL my gear: drums, dishes and laptops scattered and mixed with bits of refrigerator contents.... results of being hit head-on while otherwise peacefully parked beachside and unsuspecting the drive-by DWI. so now its work, paperwork, testing systems and pushing the cybernetic limits of the Ryders: ie) The Camel: can we rebuild her? (do you recall exactly this time last year and the blown engine in TX? we tend to bounce back bigger.) my 26' friend who housed and fed me and led me to this state, and whose solar energetic ways keep me thinking ever higher... and now we're all getting wireless... 'specially my friends in the process of following me out here from the east coast... and AZ's on-fire Systemsoular launching full-nomad and soon to join our orbit of LA... We've got the definition, the flow, the means, the state of the art systems.... an awaiting audience needing to see this kind of hands-on... mmm... vitality! fuck documentary... stream exactly this... the letting-off-steam jams that result from these escapades and experiences... I make my best late-night laptop shit when down and out in parking lots. and i drum best under the sunny skylights (skylab). i see the same vibe and hear the same stories from all of YOU and we've got to mix and sync all these experiences in the state of Nao, ON the road: create in motion and put it OUT! and so i'm beat-up and tireless, sleepless since last night's crash yet spouting off propositions of direction like an undying breakbeat village idiot... and in my gut i've GOT to start this streaming shit for real, now! I've already been configuring and scheming for a year and a half (live-jam stream plan launched during NYE '02 Moontribe... project Eklektro Karavan) and so I esteeem to come back from this crash with The Camel sporting Rocket-matching (and intimidating strength-in-numbers 4th amendment anonymous) SILVER... = fleet. with a new steering column, radiator, AC, bumpers, front fiberglass and straightened front frame... not to mention my new awaiting regimen of chiropractic treatments hopefully also serving to straighten out my studio slouch. no better rehabilitator than Summer, and so what if we're not touring as previously-planned for this summer with MotionDetector... Euro-side....? So Cal is a scene just begging for it and our synchronicities threaten to bring it... another generational summer of love if we're not careful... and the spirit of 1776 is right round the corner next couple weeks... the over-the-counter symbolism ready for our co-opt... technology in our hands = a controlling interest in the phenomena of freedom ("enduring"), and damn the government's torpedos (!)... I feel the best intent of my alter ego coming on, politico, and its ready to free-form... libertarian stylee... I want to beat the fuck out of independence day drums... and i only hope (self-imposed symbolical dead-line) we can resurrect the mobile media machine in time for July 4... a time-frame which gives us another 40-some days afterwards to refine in time for Burningman (if you're familiar with this year's theme, spirituality... proposed project: Cyber-Evangelic). fits the timeframe... thematic, as I believe we're ready to start with the demonstrational phase of operations, as Eklektro theory-in-practice comes in many modes and levels of LIVE electronic performance: Festival (outdoors, tours), Demonstrational (tactical, street performance, protest), Conventional (clubs, gigs, standard staging and digital DJ sets) and Intellectual (lectures, tech-seminars, spoken word and instructional materials)... This is merely the outline. it is YOU who provide the flavor. and armed with proper promo from all of us, i promise you an innovative and relentless "marketing" campaign until we reach artistic solvency.... ie) whenever you would choose to go under the umbrella of Eklektro, i propose positive cash-flow, self-contained, and with members maintaining a fluctuating and secure touring system within 6 months. i'm serious, and this plan depends upon tapping an unconventional cash-cow.... so please help me develop our "artist profiles" to reflect the diversity of talent, presentation, and best foot forward production that we COULD provide. and of course each site would be privy to the same info... similar if not same structure...

So I may be living nose-to-grindstone at this garage for the next 2 weeks... dry heat and grease as opposed to beach... I could be doing some of my best-ever drumming at night if anybody wants to come out here and record/jam industrial style with me. there's RR tracks n noise within a hundred feet of my disabled domicile. the owner of the shop gives us the run of the place at night. many percussive surfaces and power tools. i want to sand 'er down and start preppin for paint. anybody who can help this flow faster in any way these next couple weeks gets my gratitude and premium barter for whatever i've got that you need... copyright free. if you got this blog-link, i consider you full conspirator and on-the-team... and if i'm not mistaken, i believe its your team, as i think we're all talking the same terms. but let's keep fronting multiple domains: (in no particular order): fishing for funding, trolling for tours, kicking it for the love of the kick:,, (unlaunched), (unlaunched), Negative2?....,,, (unlaunched)...
and we're ALL all-ways under construction... work in progress... ready for the next relaunch...
dig you all,

Saturday, June 14, 2003

mobile BLOG:
Not quite streaming media, but being online at 90mph... at 3am, flying through the desert with a full moon is a bit of a trip. We're still in the Sprint footprint, but i'm sure we'll lose reception soon. This would've been an interesting trip to stream, but ever more apparent exactly how many synchronized persons it would take to maintain an audio stream of live-played electronica while the RVs are in motion. to my knowledge this particular weird broadcasting configuration has never been done before... especially with wireless MIDI between vehicles... jamming in tandem. not sure how an Airport's range might be affected by motion. we'll open this project up again next weekend... but for now... gotta hit the party before sunrise!

Thursday, June 12, 2003

...a late night last night, and with RVs camped out at Qtopia for the Gathering of the Tribes:
suddenly this blog takes a turn, but consistent with what we were previously proposing for June 20th or so, (if you scroll down some) except that it jumps a whole week earlier, as we make an exodus from LA this friday afternoon, for a 3-4 hour drive out to points unknown (rather undisclosed). But along the way, it appears at this moment that all the pieces of the puzzle are in place, and that we will finally achieve our experimental objective of MOBILE and free-form electronica streaming via cellphone/laptop feed (if not this week, then definitely next week!)... stream live performance while in-motion... from inside the RVs, while enroute to the event. even jamming wireless MIDI between the 2 RVs. and it appears that we may indeed have the donated server and a ready-configured laptop to crunch the numbers, leaving our Macs available to stay on the music... so oh yes, please stay tuned...

So from the intentional/political level, and on the topic of what we would ideally set out to achieve... and what we can experiment with all summer here in LA: mobile events (non-promoted parties) that orbit the city, with "audience" numbers always in the vicinity of the legal non-permit limit of 45 at a time.. current limits on the right to assemble (a detraction, but something we can sure work within, being on the move, orbiting LA... ) and if it gets larger, we branch off: satellite systems, 2 or more web-connected RVs if need be. to test the extent of our civil liberties and rights to assemble. an exercise/excuse to be organizing our abilities to communicate on the fly.. to be connected in real-time, with pirate radio (internet) broadcast....
Eklektro Karavan Productions
presents you with a proposition:
Orbiting-LA (the first in a series?)
and at this exploratory level, by invite-only:

Orange Alert...
"There was a strange vibe in the air, the kind of feeling one gets when there's a sudden shift about to take place... the kind of feeling when you lose sight of where you are on the map... and the world jumps, the cultural clock tick tocks, sirens go off, unmarked cars fly by and you're in the midst of it, as an urban dweller with helicopters circling overhead... smoke on the horizon... video cameras, radio waves, billboards, bumper stickers... guns?"
Adrenalin, we laugh it off, dismiss such talk and try to walk on the bright side... the game of numbers, survival is after-all a positivity quest. obsessing upon the acknowledged lessening of our odds (Orange Alert), in conventional terms, threatens to lessen the immediate experience in front of us... LIVING! Orange Alert? and so perhaps these days we try to kidnap panic's wasted energy, channel and run with the excitability: to CREATE a bit more rather than otherwise over-analyze, recreate rather than fallback, procreate rather than retract... long and short of it you're reading something from another one of "them"... a music-driven new millenial hippy; with a tech-chip on my shoulder, freedom-loving: Summer 2003 and it looks like a good time to activate freedom-enabling technologies. Now that we've got that out of the way, welcome to my particular take on the same portal i share with a cherished batch of others: to broadcast the scene as it flies by... this moment in time... the vitality... and scenery... Be intense and inspirational if you care to be... and i'd rather be thought of as industrious than as another one in the industry. And still we want to produce artful "product", and where do you stand on this? Through this process, and as shared-dividend, we'd like to examine the position of new media, ie) mega-corporate/investment/compromise-free... we've built the beginnings of network interface as could resound any of the countless or co-opted commercial media messages... We have (2) solarized and web-enabled mobile RV studios at the ready, and we'd like to use this performance/broadcast portal-formula as a soapbox to keep our countrymen free.... as "one nation under a groove" implies internationally, and as internet is border-free... live FREE or die.

Whether hawk or dove, tuned-in or happily oblivious, stock broker or embittered artist... and whether you're a subscriber to conspiracy theories or not... the day is/was/will-be mixed with uncertainties... accelerating in changing times, shifting economies, tightened belts and borders, wandering eyes... and indeed now literally, suddenly, unconstitutionally... a domestic crackdown, a retraction of rights including those of public group dynamics... the Patriot Act, read up on it. If not monitored, it could (has indeed already begun) begin the process of treating citizens like schoolchildren. Seems like the best of times to stand one's ground: deliberately, responsibly, gloriously... consider these 3 different states, and live them out simultaneously... matter-of-factly... but multi-tasking takes practice... and today's best target exercise?: THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE. the regimen? throw lots of responsible and successful parties... organize that utopian string of super-intentional and traveling block parties...
and in this respect, and with respectful invitation to The Gathering of the Tribes, the timing is amazing... Eklektro Karavan and Cyber EZ Ryders present... a proposed summer of live semi-local and mobile events:


Somewhere, sometime in the vicinity of the summer solstice (June20/21 or so?), and CyberEZRyders Mark Trance and EKG, in association with Club Q-topia, DreamCircus, LAFCO, Learning Party (on wheels), Naoism, Motion Detector, the tail-end of Lollapolooza and all ending-up at Burningman; WE, the unofficial LA satellite sub-Society for Summer 03 will present version one of what COULD be a new weekly non-promoted promotional event:
Orange Alert: a formula for fun, a seat of learning where we all get a chance to ride shotgun, a last-ditch last-minute-announced mobile party and synchronization attempt, with multiple locations, surprise special guest performers, electronic drum circle performance, sometimes wtih lo-fi realtime broadcast... ,and more... streetside, beachside, mountaintop or downtown desert... from afternoon thru late evening, with lunch and dinner served ..., we will let this event unfold into what it will BE... super-variably and free-formed, ie (we are NOT with-holding info, we are just now (thanks to techno-illogical innovations) experimenting with the concept of NOT being tied down to pre-planned details, NOT having to go throw the power play of "promoting" what is essentially a FREE-for-all and YET, and THEREFORE, we will be aiming to execute an intelligently-thrown, super-well-intended, creatilvely covert and perhaps one of the most demonstrational and timely parties you may ever attend... VITAL to kicking off the summer, vital to breaking the molds, help us redefine what makes for a good time... (renegade style) through mobility and interconnectivity... "potentiality" as theme... as each gathering may include possible urban exodus, optional camp-out, as well as quality down-time, the obligatory systems tests and configuration sessions... we will get increasingly better at this. Through this process, the music regains its vitality, its method of delivery, and with our complimentary RVs built for speed, we esteem to be the most notorious portable sound system... but please don't expect that we'll have giant speakers and flashy lighting, as we are running our party completely off of SOLAR POWER and are looking to maximize the interactive performance possibilities when the number of audience, level of production, ratio of live to net audience (will we indeed stream this time?), all blissfully indeterminable... and promoter to performer, interchangeable... and these types of parties are usually best achievable in mid-level numbers... and FREE to the VIP-invited, as well as the chance crossed-path public... but we need your participation in order to pull this off and transform it into something more than just a portable sound system and 2 guys jamming from RVs... more artful than a protest... more subtle than a peace rally... perhaps a techno version of the "Be-In", as well as a live mobile network demonstration. we need you to help us communicate the right message to those whose paths we cross...

To keep wheels turning: at this level, admission-free: beyond the a spontaneous free barter or gift economy hopefully as an afterthought... for necessary resources... vehicle upkeep, audio/video gear that don't come cheap... we're resourceful, and a little goes a long way... and we want to get the streaming project up to speed, with project Eklektro bringing you continuing FREE electronic vibes all summer... we invite you to become involved however you may choose... as artist, supporter, promoter and vibe maintainence crew... But even soliciting your input we need to be clear and deliberate... and respectful: WE WANT IT TO BE KNOWN THAT AT NO TIME WILL WE EXPECT TO HAVE TIME TO MAKE SPECIAL PHONECALLS TO RALLY INDIVIDUALS, OR MAKE SPECIAL INVITATIONS BEYOND BLOG OR EMAIL OR WEBSITE... and please don't take offense that we don't. but if you're comfortable and current with either blogging, web-forum or email, then please know that we await your input, your feedback, your intelligence data collected from your side of the city... and all these salvos will be addressed, answered on a daily if not hourly basis, cellphone wireless internet, and i think this is the only way we'd be able to do this effectively without going crazy; essentially batch-process our communication updates via blog. Or so we'll see. LA is a big place, and to be in the right place at the right time certainly involves networking. and whether you care to become hands-on involved, or just tune in on the web, we intend to do our best to keep you up to date and in the loop.
And speaking of loops...
Music: kicking if off: the beauty of this party is that it indeed will BE what it will be, and the variety of jams and special guests with special gear promises to keep things super-eclectic, and speaking of hectic; even if our trip route tires out all the performing guests, you ALWAYS get the latest beats of our mobile "house-band", Cyber EZ Ryders, featuring the never-ending electronic achives and real-time remixes of Mark Trance, now currently completely set-up inside the 23' silver 6-wheeler, The Rocket; with drums, effects and super-minimal megaphone MC interjections by E>K>G (EklektroGreg), fluctuating from machine to machine, together directing a mobile orchestration in which you are invited to collaborate... attend/perform/enjoy/record... this is a special invitational, starting with those who GET it... no big-gig illusional dynamic of promoter and ticket-buyer... we're letting you in on the experiment, and it doesn't take much imagination to believe that it just might parallel our electro-cultural needs at the moment, artistically. So come help us pull it off!

Eklektro stands for alternative means of live electronic media delivery, suggesting exploring the "purpose" and uses for performance-media as new communicative tools... and in this day and age; awakening the full purpose of the media artist, or digital nomad... karavan... for whom the day begins with a wake-up transmission... sytems status check and navigation report... And as for exactly when we decide to "call" the party? Often the weather, the gear or the moon has a say in it.. so stay tuned for clues on this blog... the real-time morning broadcast (blog announcement and/or eventual audio stream)... this is the formula, the message tree, for what will be a day and night-long 24 hour party...if and when it is MEANT
to be.

So please exuse the understated request to please STAY tuned :)
Looking forward to hearing back from you...

(for the last-minute alternatively-announced event to be called sometime around June 20th:) this is a special invitation, and you have been singled out to RSVP for directions and details. they will NOT be posted on the site, and once we are on the day-of the party (and we will announce on the morning of, so we need you to check every morning at 9 on our blog or eventual "daily manifesto" page... for those that are up that early... the morning update...)
the URL will be announced the morning-of. clues as to which side of town are announced by noon, and the party starts at 1PM with the final word of initial launch location... with half-hour updated route-projections, in case you want to check in as we hit the other side of town... orbiting LA, theory into practice: exercising intelligent communications, maximizing freedoms. Are you ready for this road trip?

behind the scenes:
we do not need too big of a soundsystem, so we will not need to charge people, or any necessarily huge in-person audience to cover any astronomical expenses... (our return on our investment will come from the eventual sale of our weekly data-CDs and monthly DVDs). too-large an "event" will attract unwanted attention for what is to be otherwise and for our purposes maximizing our current legal rights/limitations of no more than 45 persons gathered at one time without a permit... and we can to some creative extent get around this... if we spread out at a distance with 2 vehicles connected wireless internet... we can jam from perhaps a mile apart...on and off the buses... mass carpooling recommended... moving from bus to bus. the right to assemble... to scramble... to dance

stay tuned for mild-mannered email with encrypted URL (you'll know what to do)
this email will otherwise self-destruct... .it pays to check your email twice per day... and that's all it'll take...

misc to-do list: convert blog to LIVE JOURNAL, put up web page dedicated to the creation of the event, but changing URLs.. a treasure map, and a search for clues taking you on a tour through each other's mainpages... mainpage requirements: under 100k pageload, with optional message/media art URL for those to click or not click... the stress is that we all insert certain vital message media our postings... we suggest for example, if you're a digital DJ, what equipment you might like to bring and what BPM you might like to jam at... but you MUST RSVP to "attend"... we hold an informal LA rehearsal a few days previous, as well as "virtual rehearsal" (the web-blog) on Solar-sonic: a collection of live-recorded outdoor street performances

Monday, June 09, 2003

Eklektro Karavan Productions Presents: Orbiting-LA
the first in a series, by invite-only:
Orange Alert...
"There was a strange vibe in the air, the kind of feeling one gets when there's a sudden shift about to take place... the kind of feeling when you lose sight of where you are on the map... and the world jumps, the cultural clock tick tocks, sirens go off, unmarked cars fly by and you're in the midst of it, as an urban dweller with helicopters circling overhead... smoke on the horizon... video cameras, radio waves, billboards, bumper stickers... guns?" Adrenalin, we laugh it off and try to walk on the bright side.
Whether hawk or dove, tuned-in or happily oblivious, stock broker or embittered artist... and whether you're a subscriber to conspiracy theories or not... the day is/was/will-be mixed with uncertainties... accelerating in changing times, shifting economies, tightened belts and borders, wandering eyes... and indeed now literally, suddenly, unconstitutionally... a domestic crackdown, a retraction of rights including those of public group dynamics... the Patriot Act, read up on it. It begins to treat citizens like schoolchildren. Seems like the best of times to stand one's ground: deliberately, responsibly, gloriously... consider these 3 different states, and live them out simultaneously... matter-of-factly... but multi-tasking takes practice... and today's best target exercise?: THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE. the regimen? throw lots of parties... organize a string of super-intentional and traveling block parties...
and in this respect, Eklektro Karavan and Cyber EZ Ryders present... a proposed summer of live semi-local and mobile events:


Somewhere, sometime in the vicinity of the summer solstice (June20/21 or so?), and CyberEZRyders Mark Trance and EKG, in association with Club Q-topia, DreamCircus, LAFCO, Learning Party (on wheels), Naoism, Motion Detector, the tail-end of Lollapolooza and all ending-up at Burningman; WE, the unofficial LA satellite sub-Society for Summer 03 will present version one of what COULD be a new weekly event:
Orange Alert: a formula for fun, a seat of learning where we all get a chance to ride shotgun, a last-ditch last-minute-announced mobile party and synchronization attempt, with multiple locations, surprise special guest performers, lo-fi realtime broadcast, electronic drum circle performance, and more... streetside, beachside, mountaintop or downtown desert... from afternoon thru late evening, with lunch and dinner served ..., we will let this event unfold into what it will BE... super-variably and free-formed, ie (we are NOT with-holding info, we are just now (thanks to techno-illogical innovations) experimenting with the concept of NOT being tied down to pre-planned details, NOT having to go throw the power play of "promoting" what is essentially a FREE-for-all and YET, and THEREFORE, we will be aiming to execute an intelligently-thrown, super-well-intended and perhaps one of the most demonstrational and timely parties you may ever attend... VITAL to kicking off the summer, vital to breaking the molds, help us redefine what makes for a good time... (renegade style!) through mobility and interconnectivity... "potentiality" as theme, a party of opportunity... as each gathering may include possible urban exodus, optional camp-out, as well as quality down-time, the obligatory systems tests and configuration sessions... we will get increasingly better at this. Through this process, the music regains its vitality, its method of delivery, and with our complimentary RVs built for speed, we esteem to be the most notorious portable sound system... but please don't expect that we'll have giant speakers and flashy lighting, as we are running our party completely off of SOLAR POWER and are looking to maximize the interactive performance possibilities when the number of audience, level of production, ratio of live to net audience (will we indeed stream this time?), all blissfully indeterminable... and promoter to performer, interchangeable... and these types of parties are usually best achievable in mid-level numbers... and FREE to the VIP-invited, as well as the chance crossed-path public... but we need your participation in order to pull this off and transform it into something more than just a portable sound system and 2 guys jamming from RVs... more artful than a protest... more subtle than a peace rally... perhaps a techno version of the "Be-In", as well as a live mobile network demonstration. we need you to help us communicate the right message to those whose paths we cross...

To keep wheels turning: at this level, admission-free: beyond the a spontaneous free barter or gift economy hopefully as an afterthought... for necessary resources... vehicle upkeep, audio/video gear that don't come cheap... we're resourceful, and a little goes a long way... and we want to get the streaming project up to speed, with project Eklektro bringing you continuing FREE electronic vibes all summer... we invite you to become involved however you may choose... as artist, supporter, promoter and vibe maintainence crew... But even soliciting your input we need to be clear and deliberate... and respectful: WE WANT IT TO BE KNOWN THAT AT NO TIME WILL WE EXPECT TO HAVE TIME TO MAKE SPECIAL PHONECALLS TO RALLY INDIVIDUALS, OR MAKE SPECIAL INVITATIONS BEYOND BLOG OR EMAIL OR WEBSITE... and please don't take offense that we don't. but if you're comfortable and current with either blogging, web-forum or email, then please know that we await your input, your feedback, your intelligence data collected from your side of the city... and all these salvos will be addressed, answered on a daily if not hourly basis, cellphone wireless internet, and i think this is the only way we'd be able to do this effectively without going crazy; essentially batch-process our communication updates via blog. Or so we'll see. LA is a big place, and to be in the right place at the right time certainly involves networking. and whether you care to become hands-on involved, or just tune in on the web, we intend to do our best to keep you up to date and in the loop.
And speaking of loops...
Music: kicking if off: the beauty of this party is that it indeed will BE what it will be, and the variety of jams and special guests with special gear promises to keep things super-eclectic, and speaking of hectic; even if our trip route tires out all the performing guests, you ALWAYS get the latest beats of our mobile "house-band", Cyber EZ Ryders, featuring the never-ending electronic achives and real-time remixes of Mark Trance, now currently completely set-up inside the 23' silver 6-wheeler, The Rocket; with drums, effects and super-minimal megaphone MC interjections by E>K>G (EklektroGreg), fluctuating from machine to machine, together directing a mobile orchestration in which you are invited to collaborate... attend/perform/enjoy/record... this is a special invitational, starting with those who GET it... no big-gig illusional dynamic of promoter and ticket-buyer... we're letting you in on the experiment, and it doesn't take much imagination to believe that it just might parallel our electro-cultural needs at the moment, artistically. So come help us pull it off!

Eklektro stands for alternative means of live electronic media delivery, suggesting exploring the "purpose" and uses for performance-media as new communicative tools... and in this day and age; awakening the full purpose of the media artist, or digital nomad... karavan... for whom the day begins with a wake-up transmission... sytems status check and navigation report... And as for exactly when we decide to "call" the party? Often the weather, the gear or the moon has a say in it.. so stay tuned for clues on this blog... the real-time morning broadcast (blog announcement and/or eventual audio stream)... this is the formula, the message tree, for what will be a day and night-long 24 hour party...if and when it is MEANT
to be.

So please exuse the understated request to please STAY tuned :)
Looking forward to hearing back from you...


Saturday, June 07, 2003

"Originality, an impossible state... we must forever strive for."